Cultural Engagement

 Part Two

Reflection Statement

For my competence in cultural engagement, I am submitting my Rosetta Stone Progress report and a video of my salvation testimony and gospel presentation in modern Hebrew. I recorded this presentation for my Israeli congregants who are new believers. Rosetta Stone is a website for learning modern languages, including Israeli Hebrew. These artifacts demonstrates that I have advanced through several levels of Israeli Hebrew studies and that I can communicate basic concepts, particularly with religious vocabulary, in that language.


Rosetta Stone Progress Report

Video Presentation in Hebrew and English

Learning Reflection

As I developed and demonstrated cultural engagement, I have reflected on how God has answered my prayer to reach Israelis with the gospel. When I shared my testimony with Adam, the Israeli new believer at my congregation, he decided to do the same and write his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus as the Messiah of Israel. This is not a small thing for an Israeli to come to faith. I have desired, prayed, and labored for this for decades. I love that God has used me to reach this family and to help them grow and share the gospel with other Israelis.

Lifelong Development Statement

As a result of the experiences documented by these artifacts, I will continue to develop in cultural engagement by praying, reaching out to, and equipping others to also reach out to unbelieving Jews, and in particular Israelis, both here in Dallas Fort Worth where I live, as well as in Israel. I also want to continue to improve my Israeli Hebrew, both for practical communication as well as for biblical studies, as many important works are written in Hebrew, both modern and traditional.